Sandau Farms

Sparky Electric installed 250 watt metal halide flood lights in each bay of this large five-bay farm equipment building. Switches and convenience outlets were mounted to the face of the steel structure stations separating the bays. A 175 watt HPS security light was mounted at each of
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Barendse Park Restroom

The latest public area project contracted by Sparky Electric is the new restroom building at Barendse Memorial Park in Hubbard. All lighting, heating and ventilation is by automatic control.
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LifeSource Natural Foods

Working with LifeSource Natural Foods, Sparky Electric designed an LED lighting concept for their new entry area. Using small flood lights and recess fixtures, the new nighttime look is striking and energy efficient. LED track lighting also enhances product on the shelves inside.
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Riverfront Park Rotary Pavilion

East Salem Rotarian Duane “Sparky” Vaubel and his crew at Sparky Electric completed the electrical design and installation for the new Rotary Pavilion at Salem Riverfront Park. Utilizing cross lighting with flood lights, the Pavilion comes alive at night with no open fixture glare. Al
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A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village

Sparky Electric has enjoyed the honor of being in on the ground floor development of A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village. During our first year of involvement, we volunteered in the complete rewiring of the original house in the village, Gilbert House. We designed the interior electrical
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Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall

Back when the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland saw its beginnings, Sparky Electric was tasked to develop remote control switching for all the marquee lighting and the new “Portland” sign. Lighting contactors and chaser systems were built into a special cabinet located above t
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